@ @ ‚h‚b‚l‚d‚X@”ŽÀŒ¤ŠÖŒWŽÒ‚É‚æ‚éu‰‰EŒû“ª”•\
@@u‰‰F Mathematical Instrucion through
the Production of Manipulative Materials
@@@@@@‰¡’n ´.
‚PD WGA1: The Use of Technology in Mathematics
@@Title:@@For the Development of Mathematics Education-Using Technology-
–ö–{•üŽq 1.
‚QD WGA2: Mathematics Education in Junior
Secondary School
@@Title:@@‚d‚˜‚‚Œ‚‚’‚‚”‚‰‚‚Ž of the best baton-passing in relay -Therough the
use of graphic calculators in
@@@@@@@mathematics modelling ‘å‘òO“T.
‚RD WGA3: Mathematic.s Education in Senior
Secondary School
@@Title:@@The Way its Current Situation should be looked at Ž›“cŠ²Ž¡.
@@Title:@@How Mathematical Activities Can Create Moving Experience Among
Students ’†ž—YŽ¡.
‚SD WGA7: Professional Pre-and In-service
Education of Mathematics Teachers
@@Title :@@Education of ZMathematical Thoughts(Ideas) –{ŠÔrG.
‚TD WGA8: Research, Practice and Theory
of Mathematics Education
@@Title:@@A Method of research on Mathematics Education - For a theory
based on practice -
@@@@@@@ ‰ªX”Ž˜aE“¡ˆä~ˆêE‘弌cˆêEX—Tˆê
‚UD WGA3: History and Culutre in Mathematics
@@Title:@@Mathematics Teaching from National culture and Tradition XìŠô‘¾˜YE‹e’r‹vl
‚VD TSG2: The Teaching and Learning of
@@Title:@@As Introduction to Deductive Geometry XìŠô‘¾˜Y.
‚WD TSG9: Mathematical Modeling and Links
between Mathematics and Other Subjects
@@Title:@@Teaching modeling around school mathematics –{ŠÔrG.
‚XD TSG11: Problem Solving in Mathematics
@@Title:@@The South districts and the North Districts XìŠô‘¾˜YEXì‚Ý‚âŽq
10DTSG16: Creativity in Mathematics Education
and the Education of Gifted Students
@@Title:@@Some Suggestions for Evolving Mathematics Education(1) -Based
on Wisdoms in Other Fields
@@@@@@@of Sciences ‰ªX”Ž˜a
@@Title:@@Some Suggestions for Evolving Mathematics Education(2) - A
trial of TeachingMatheuatics
@@@@@@@for Gifted Students - ‘弌cˆêE‹à’J”ŽŽjEŽ›“cŠ²Ž¡Eže“c®”V @
